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In the beginning

In the beginning
Ig post via: zxf_fitness
John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

This is a very special day as it marks the first blog post I've ever written. Before I do get into the content of this post I'd like to share a little bit about myself to those out there stumbling across this post.

My full name is Satguljar Zachary Bhachu, I was born in Canada and I'm 18 years old of Indian descent. Throughout the years living in Canada I grew this strong passion for hockey which then transferred over to fitness during the pandemic. As I continue these blog posts I'll share more about my upbringing but as of right now, let's get into the main contents of this post.

As the header reads "In the beginning", we all have our beginnings. Whether that be a new job or the start of learning something new, we all start somewhere. The verse John 1:1 is particularly significant in this instance, as it shows what God had in the beginning. We can take inspiration from this, as all we have when we begin something is our thoughts, ideas, and actions. It is our job to take that first step no matter how frightening it may seem. There are many success stories out there of people starting with nothing. Something we can take from that is these individuals started with what they had. They didn't put on a facade, or try to be someone they're not. They literally started with an idea and took actionable steps to achieve them. We can draw great comfort from this because we all have what we need to get started right now.

Establishing actionable steps to achieving something in your life can be unnerving, as you question every little thing, trying to be so precise that you get everything done as perfect as possible. News flash this doesn't work! When you first start something, accept the fact that it may suck. I'll use my own situation as an example. This idea of starting blog posts sounded so easy in my head but actually sitting here writing is tough. Trying to be relatable, relevant and provide something of value that a viewer can take and apply in their life is difficult. I accept the fact that the first couple attempts of writing these may not be great, but I do know that if I continue this and I do it long enough I'll get better at writing and these posts will become better. The start of taking that step is accepting that whatever you start, it may take some time to see results, but if you stick with it long enough you will see them. A great quote for this is in the book of hebrews.  

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. (Hebrews 12:11)

Now for some fitness tips! I recently created a post with the following tips that I believe can be of benefit for you;

  1. (The theme of this post): Start with what you have
  2. Track your calories: this will help you identify what you need to focus on when constructing a fitness/meal plan for yourself. Whether you're trying to be in a calorie deficit, a surplus or maintenance, tracking your calories is important. A great free app for this is MyFitnessPal available to android & iPhone users.
  3. Be consistent: This can be as simple as going for a walk every day, or just getting into the gym every day. Without consistency there will be no progress. (1 step forward 2 steps back without a consistent approach)
  4. Build a routine: This is what consistency brings. Being consistent with workouts, a meal plan will bring about a routine. This can then transfer into other areas of your life like a morning routine, night-time routine, study sessions etc...
  5. Acknowledge your wins: Acknowledging that you are doing something right goes a long way in maintaining consistency.

This concludes my first ever blog post!

I hope you got something of value from reading this. There will definitely be more of this as I thoroughly enjoyed taking the time to write this out.  

Coach Zach